
Dragon Boating WA Inc. (DBWA) is an incorporated body that is governed by its constitution under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.

DBWA is the State governing body for the sport of dragon boating in Western Australia.

DBWA is a member of the Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF), which is a member of the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF).

DBWA provides support and services designed to foster the development of the sport in Western Australia. DBWA is an incorporated not-for-profit association, governed by an elected Board of Directors.

  • foster the continuing development of the sport of dragon boat racing at local and national levels;

  • develop and implement protocols for the selection of national crews for Australian championships.

  • sanction or host local and regional events in WA;

  • develop and encourage safety rules for dragon boating;

DBWA promotes a sports environment that is ethical; fair; drug-free; free of discrimination and harassment; and encourages participation by persons of all ages, genders, and abilities. DBWA encourages gender equity in the policies, programs and activities of dragon boating for the benefit of the dragon boating community in Western Australia.